'Plot Spot'

The Plot Spot

Every fortnight  John Dann and Louise Elms, from Eastbourne Allotment and Gardens Society (EAGS), update us on their progress in the 'Plot Spot'.

Join them on Clive Mellor's Drive Time oncWednesday afternoons at 5:30pm and Saturday Breakfast at 08:25am.

Society membership is open to everyone - visit www.eags.co.uk.

New volunteers for the shop ('The Potting Shed') are always welcome - please get in touch with the EAGS office if you would like to help out.

On Air Now Mark Collins with Saturday Lunch Surf 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Now Playing
Santa Can't You Hear Me Kelly Clarkson And Ariana Grande
Recently Played
  • Games Without Frontiers Peter Gabriel 14:27
  • (Remember the Days of) The Old School Yard Cat Stevens 14:23
  • Take Care Of You Ella Henderson 14:19